Saturday, January 19, 2008

Update with Photos

So, I've discovered that I'm going to have very little time to let everyone know what I'm up to. Between Spanish classes (every day from 8-3), traveling to Santa Lucia for Peace Corps technical training 2 times a week, trying to understand what my host family is saying to me, AND creating my own journal, blog posting is getting more and more difficult. BUT... with the little time I do have I can still upload photos that I've taken from my journey's traveling around Guatemala.

I'll try to make sure that I put a little explanation next to each photo I post.
After the next 3 months I should have lots more time...
So, without further ado: here are some good moments->

This is the view that I have when I walk out of my room and look up :)

These are the canaries that I wake up to in the morning; how uplifting...

This is a pila (pee-luh). It is used to wash hands (on the left side), and clothes (on the right side).

Every household in Guatemala has one of these, but most are about half this size.

This is the view from my rooftop (looking left).

Note: Women can typically be seen carrying their cargo on their heads. This looks painful, but I'm told it's not.

View from my rooftop (looking right).

That's all for now!

on the next post - a trip up the mountain (in my back yard)!

Posting comments...

I know some people are having trouble posting comments.. and I really only wanted to rely on this blog, instead of email, to communitcate with everyone.

So, I have now turned Anonymous Posting ON! (Sorry, didn´t realize it was set for only users with a Gmail account).

Post Away!