Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slight rain, greener on the other side

Woke up at 7:30

Breakfast: spaghetti and a freshly over easy egg with a pack of chips a hoy cookies and milk for dessert

Work: Made a 3 month plan to organize my ongoing projects

Lunch: huge-frijoles, tortillas, and two hotdogs
After Lunch Lunch: Tyuyos (two tortillas with beans in the middle)

Work: Drank tea

Off work: walked home, layed on my bench, walked to the internet

Thoughts: Obama's gonna win, Tex's feet stink, I need Dr. Scholes for my too big boots, im going to have to get some really big speakers to drown out all the marimba music around me, hey, i kinda like marimba music, nevermind, im hungry, don´t wanna cook, but im getting good at it, butt muscles hurt.. time to get up