I won't have a whole lot of time to write more posts in the near future. I'll try to pick this up whenever I get the chance, but having to rely on internet cafes in another city kind of hamper this info sharing process.
I have settled into my site at Chirrepec, and within the first week of working there have been able to convince people to build a visitors center, check out other tours to get a better sense of what ours should be, and create new paths for our current tour.
It is pretty astounding to most people that the folks in my site have had the motivation to do so much with me in so little time, considering the first three months here are supposed to be just a transitioning time where I just get to know everyone. So this week has gone by very quickly, so quickly in fact that I woke up yesterday, got dressed, panicked because I looked at the clock and realized I was late... then looked at my watch again... saw it was saturday.... thought for a minute.... no, it couldn't be... I missed a day this week! I'm still not quite sure which day I missed, but I completely missed one day of my life this week....
so this next two years is going to go by very very quickly it seems. but i'll keep the updates coming as soon as I can...
till next time, adios!
p.s. feel free to send packages to the address listed on the sidebar... and try out the number i put on my last post... it might just work sometime..... see ya